“Tell us about the song Shattered Sanctum.”
“Shattered Sanctum was born as Haunting Darkness back when we were called Draconian Winter. The song in its original form was very basic and amateur sounding since we were fairly young when we wrote it. While we were recording the album, I was on the fence about whether I wanted to keep that song or not, leaning more heavily towards discarding it. I ended up deciding to basically rewrite the entire thing. I kept some of the basic rhythms and song structure but applied my more refined approach to songwriting. After the heavy revisions and three long weeks, it turned out to be one of the strongest songs on the album and certainly one of my favorites to listen to and to play live.”
What to you is a great front cover? What should a cover have to make it great?
“A great front cover should have a powerful image that represents the album as a whole. Whether it’s an image that directly illustrates a song’s lyrics or album concept, or just something that is visually captivating, an album cover should be able to catch a potential listener’s attention. Although the old saying declares “don’t judge a book by its cover,” I think many of us are guilty of doing that at some level whether it comes to books, music, or just about anything really. An image that is visually captivating, whether it’s a painting, an illustration made on a computer, or a photograph, is less likely to be overlooked.”
What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying records now a days?
“As a new band, I think it's great. Our album leaked and somehow made its way to Russia a few days before it was out. It was on torrent sites everywhere within 48 hours and it got us a lot of attention from people we probably would have never been able to reach. Since we don't make a living off of music, we're not too worried about people downloading our music. Of course, it would be nice if people later paid for it since we invest our own money into this band but we love what we do too much so it's not the end of the world.”
Creator Destructor Podcast
Listen to Eligio and Cameron chat with Ben Murray of Creator Destructor Records. They discuss our songwriting and recording process, their favorite bands, and a hint at what can be expected from new music!
The Rock Metal Podcast
Click the button below to listen to Eligio discuss the meanings behind “In the Winds of Glory” and “Severed” from Heavenly Skies.